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πŸ₯©Stake your NFTs and earn Prestige (PSTG)

Prestige (PSTG) is a loyalty points system that unlocks a range of epic benefits for our NFT holders. The more PSTG you have, the better your rewards and influence across our entire ecosystem.

PSTG is off-chain. It cannot be traded. Please do not fall victim to any scams purporting to buy or sell PSTG.

PSTG benefits - So much more than just earnings

Prestige (PSTG) gives you benefits across our whole ecosystem. We’ll continue expanding the range of benefits given. They’re already the most comprehensive benefits we’re aware of in the space. Note that we’ll roll these out when appropriate, not all at once.

Vault Rewards

Earn $ADA from the sales of real world fantasy products.

Your NFTs can become legends in our literature

Those with the most PSTG can choose which NFTs feature in our lore and literature products. This can accelerate the collectable value captured by your NFT.

Exclusive access to collectable products

Those with the most PSTG can gain exclusive access to collectables with high-value potential, such as a signed, limited edition hard cover fantasy novel. You could also get airdrops of further NFT collections and whitelisting priority.

In-game features

Those with the most PSTG can gain access to better in-game features.

Free products

Once our project is thriving financially, we’d like to reward holders with the most PSTG with free products. This could be books, merch, premium game features, and more.

Last updated